I'm still not sure of what should be my next line here..But one thing is for sure.. mind being free... anything the fingers do are just so great...
Today,i was just sitting on the table in the canteen, with a chosen friend... silence in the air... a small hole in the asbestos sheating behind me letting a tinge of the sunlight on my blue kurta, making it shimmer at a point... I didn't know.. i was just doing nothing.. sitting... as i kept my legs tapping on the unstable legs of the table making a suttle voice.. or perhaps a sweet noise.for some reason m legs just stopped moving and the only movement in me were the cluttering of my eye lids... i kept looking at the green leaves glossy with the rain drops reflectin the truant sunlight... the arrangement of the seating.. the black glossy tyres... the fresh smell of soil and cool breeze that bristled them with love...
Time passed by and,... i realise suddenly.. there is someone into my little world now... i could here foot steps and voices of people giggle, laugh, talk and yeah some more.... There was no more peace but an air of chaos all around me.. i realised now its time to get going... and just jumped off.. looking at my feet banging on the floor, making the dust on it to rise and pave way for me.... i walked out...thinking.. Nothing!!!!
all about why?,