I woke to the steps you took..
the sound of the drag,

that you cause to your feet..
the voice that carries your words,
as sounds to my ears..
you were my alarm,
i snooze u out with the harsh words down,
still u' be right back
to the service at my bed..

i say u this i call you that..
u never mind.. cause u made me a brat
you darling sweety pie..
talks things that u know, she'll just lie..

u made me think.. U made me write
u gave me courage
to act smart even if im not
now i m standing up right here
and you know its all cause u are near

i wont have you,
i wont listen nor would i snooze
cause that world demands me to do
things on my own.. things that are tough
things i thought i would never do
without your part....

Then... will u know..
will you hear me cry?
will u feel me missing you?
will you heed my pain..?

I need to survive
i ought to live....
my life..
how tough or thory it'll seem
i know at the end,
the fruit is sweet...
n don't worry..
i'd be back..
to sleep all day long.. as you keep waking me still....
asleep... enjoying..
I'm at home..

To the great person with the beard.. and his wife..
who to my luck or vice versa... are the one's who welcomed me here.. to Earth..

Love u...
i know.. and its true..
i m nt here without U..!!


One Response so far.

  1. hey raj..even before u could come across my blog randomly..i have read urs..nice style..!!!

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